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Folkmanis Bear in Tree Stump Hand Puppet


Peeking from his hiding place safe inside a tree stump, this familiar face from the woodlands of North America could charm the honey from the bees. With his soft fur and sweet face, you’ll love animating the bear in tree stump’s mouth and arms to play a game of peek-a-boo!

Did you know that bears often use caves or hollow tree stumps as shelters for hibernation? These natural hideaways provide protection and insulation during the cold months. The Folkmanis hand puppet bear in a tree stump offers children a creative way to playfully explore the winter behaviors and survival strategies of bears. Through interactive play, they can learn how bears prepare for winter and the role their environment plays in this process.

Typ: hand puppet
Playability: mouth, forlegs, can hide
Height approx.: 25 cm
Weight approx.: 132 g
Publication year: July 2011

Winterhäuser Str. 81
97084 Würzburg